Someone with Manager Permissions who has ultimate privileges/control over your Organization. By default, the person who creates the Organization is automatically an Account Owner. You can have as many Managers as you like. Generally speaking, you should make trustworthy supervisors Managers in order to take the burden off any single person. (How do I designate additional people as Managers? Check out this article.)
A non-comprehensive list of privileges only Managers have
- Designate other people as Managers
- Remove team members from an Organization
- Add/Rename the Organization
- Change the overall Organization Settings
- Turn on/off the schedules feature, shift postings, time-off requests and other schedule functions
- Require that only other Managers can add users to your Organization
- Turn on/off the Tasks feature
- Edit roles and permissions
- Approve/disapprove shift coverage and requests for time off
How does Breakroom compare with other alternatives?
Breakroom as a Crew App Alternative
Breakroom as a Slack Alternative
Breakroom as a When I Work Alternative