Team Member Profile

The Profile screen is where to go to establish your identity on Breakroom. Your profile will represent you as you interact with team membersin the app, so it’s important to make it a professional one.

Accessing your Profile

To access your Profile

  1. Tap the "Team" tab and click on your name
  2. Alternatively, click on the 3 dots next to your name and click "Edit profile & permissions"

Profile Features

  • Profile Picture Upload a picture that your coworkers can see
  • Bio Your job title, for example
  • Basic Information
  • Role
  • Kudos: Lets you see the Kudos you have received
  • Permissions Shows whether you have Account Owner, Manager, or Team Member permissions. This dictates the level of control you have on the Breakroom app

Making Changes to Your Profile

You can change almost any item on your Profile page. Simply tap “Edit” at the top right of the Profile page, or else across from each section title (for example, Basic Information).

From the main Edit button you can change your

If you are a manager or an account owner, you can edit roles and permissions for your team

  • Roles Click into "Roles" to make edits or add new roles
  • Permissions Click into "Permissions" to change permissions

Don’t forget to Save/Submit (depending on device) any changes or edits that you’ve made!

Viewing a Team Member'sProfile

When you tap on the name of one of your coworkers in your Team tab, you’ll see a very similar page to your own with all the same details, but without the editing capabilities, unless you are a Manager or Account Owner.

Note  Managers can edit certain details of an employee’s Profile page. The Manager can

Some Things to Think About


Breakroom recommends that all employees upload clear, close-up, easily identifiable photos of themselves to their Profile pages. This photo, alongside your name, will be visible in all communications made within the app, including chats and announcements. This practice enhances communication efficiency, particularly in larger organizations where face-to-face interactions may be limited.

Names and Roles

Breakroom advises all employees to use their real names rather than nicknames when representing themselves on the app, including role names or titles. This practice promotes efficient communication and maintains professionalism in the work environment.

When joining the Breakroom app, your name is displayed exactly as inputted by the person who invited you or as it appeared in their contact list. You have the option to modify how your name appears upon accepting the invitation or you can edit it at any time from your Profile page.

Note Managers can change their employees’ names within the app


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