How to cancel your Breakroom subscription
Depending on how you purchased Breakroom, you will need to follow one of the below sets of instructions to downgrade your account.
If you purchased directly from Breakroom via our website
- Visit
- Tap "Sign Up & Login" in the top right and follow instructions to log in
- Tap "Billing" on the left navigation
- Tap "Manage Subscription"
- Tap "Cancel Plan"
If you purchased Breakroom through the Google Play Store
- Launch the Google Play Store app.
- Tap the 3 horizontal lines at the top left to open the menu.
- Tap Subscriptions.
- Tap on the app subscription you'd like to cancel.
If you purchased Breakroom through the Apple App Store
- Launch the Settings app.
- Tap your name.
- Tap Subscriptions.
- Tap on the app subscription you'd like to cancel.
- Tap Cancel Subscription.
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Breakroom as a When I Work Alternative