Where can I use Breakroom?
Breakroom is currently available and supported in United States.
If your phone number is from a country other than the above, you will not be able to sign up for a new Breakroom account or download the app from the App Store, even if you've been invited.
How does Breakroom know which country I live in?
Breakroom uses the country code assigned to your phone number to determine the country from which you are signing up. This means you will not be able to sign up for Breakroom with a phone number from an unsupported country, even if you are physically located in a supported country.
I have a question that isn't addressed above. Who can I ask for help?
To contact us for more information about Breakroom availability in your country, please email us at developer@breakroomapp.com to reach out to our support team. We look forward to hearing from you!
How does Breakroom compare with other alternatives?
Breakroom as a Crew App Alternative
Breakroom as a Slack Alternative
Breakroom as a When I Work Alternative